UNIT 1 – POST 1. Research showing fast and slow shutter speeds. Research showing small and large depth of field.

Images that show fast shutter speeds to freeze motion

75mm, 1/4000 sec., f/2.8, 100 Photographer Kim Rodgers, Dog Photographer
A sunny day with indicated by the relatively short shadow allowing use of fast shutter speeds to capture the dog in mid air.
Photograph – phlearn.com
Frozen in time due to the fast shutter speed. The light conditions on a snowy background allows use of the fast shutter speed without unduly darkening the photograph.

Images that show slow shutter speeds to freeze motion

Photography by Panu Guyson
A blurred background gives the photograph a sense of moving at speed whilst retaining the detail of the train. Created by panning the photograph was taken early in the morning, the red and yellow blurred lines being reflections of the sunrise against office buildings.
F5.6, ISO 400, 1/25 second ƒ/4.0 Photograph – Quora.com
A similar photograph on a model train. The small depth of field provides focus only to the train’s engine whilst the carriages and background are blurred providing a sense of movement.

Images that show small depth of field using a large aperture

f2.8 Photograph – Fuji Film Blog
Only the tip of the scallop is in sharp focus whilst, although blurred, the lemon, peas and asparagus are still identifiable.
50mm f1.8 – Photograph Envira Gallery
The blurred background sunlight enhances the subject of the photograph providing a lit and shadow areas to the grapes.

Images that show large depth of field using a small aperture

Golden Gate in Chains by Robert Schmalle
The photograph shows a large depth of field utilising a small aperture, possibly in the region of f/16 or smaller keeping the image sharp in both the fore and background. The chain provides a leading line to the sparkling lit bridge, providing a nice contrast to the sky.
The Oregon Coast Under Moonlight – Dave Morrow Photography
The picture shows a large depth of field utilising an aperture of f/8. Although taken at night and the island is in silhouette the entire image is in focus.

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